PREP: 30 min
  COOK: 20 min

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

These adorable bunny cupcakes are perfect for Easter or any springtime celebration! Each bunny is topped off with decorative marshmallow ears and made fluffy and rich from Oakhurst Buttermilk.



1 box of vanilla cake mix

4 eggs

Oakhurst Buttermilk —replace the amount of liquid called for in cake mix with buttermilk for unforgettably rich and delicious cupcakes

1 stick of butter (see mix for exact amount)

⅓ C oil (see mix for exact amount)




store bought vanilla frosting



regular sized marshmallows

sprinkles or nonpareils



jelly beans, small hard candies, etc


Make vanilla cake mix according to directions being sure to substitute the amount of liquid called for in the mix with Oakhurst Buttermilk. Pour batter evenly into festive cupcake liners and bake according to mixes directions. Cool fully on counter top or baking rack.

Prepare marshmallow ears by laying marshmallows on their side and cutting diagonally with a sharp knife separating each marshmallow into two pieces. Continue process until you have two pieces or “ears” for each cupcake. Lay the marshmallows cut side down (the sticky side) into sprinkles or nonpareils. Set aside.

When cupcakes are fully cooled, frost with vanilla frosting and top with two marshmallow ears. Finish bunnies with jelly beans or hard candies to make a cute bunny face. Serve and enjoy!