9 Tips for a Spooky (and Safe) Halloween

What little kid doesn’t love Halloween? Costumes, candy and extended bedtimes are the epitome of fun, but it’s important to think about Halloween safety, too.

Try one (or all) of these spooktastic safety tips to keep the kiddos safe and warm this weekend.

  1. Find creative ways to integrate light colors and reflective strips into your child’s costume so they are easily seen on the roads. Giving your kids a couple of glow sticks to carry is another great way to keep them visible or even a small flashlight.
  2. Opt for face paint instead of a mask whenever possible, to make sure kids have their full peripheral vision while out on the street.

  3. Make sure your littlest trick-or-treaters are accompanied by an adult and only visit neighborhoods where you know the homeowners. Trick-or-treating is also a great opportunity to teach your children about looking both ways before crossing the street, and always keeping an eye out for cars.
  4. Test makeup on a small patch of skin before painting the entire face or body, to prevent an allergic or skin reaction.
  5. Steer clear of decorative contact lenses, as they can cause inflammation, infection and serious eye damage.halloween-candy-300x224
  6. Make sure your kids eat a filling dinner before trick-or-treating and challenge them to see who can bring home the most candy, giving them an incentive not to eat it along the way. Once their home, make a game out of separating it into different categories and then let them choose a couple of pieces to eat before bed, and a couple more for their lunch the next day. You can also keep your kids from gorging on candy by taking half of it to a local candy donation center – a number of local dentists and other organizations offer toys or cash in exchange for candy in the days following Halloween.
  7. Advise kiddos to only enter homes with a trusted adult, and not to eat homemade treats unless you’ve approved it!
  8. Paint your pumpkins instead of carving them for a fun activity that the kids can participate in. 


  9. Last but not least, if you’re a parent of a child with food allergies, you know how difficult Halloween can be. Help ease the minds of other parents by participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project. The project encourages families who are offering non-food treats like toys or crayons instead of candy to place a teal pumpkin on their stoop to let parents know they are an allergy-friendly home, and safe to visit.

Did we miss anything? What are your go-to Halloween safety tips?

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