St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and at first you might think of this particular day as an, a-hem, “adult” holiday…there’s plenty of fun to be had for the kiddos, too! Try one of these 5 cool crafts (and snacks) and celebrate with the little leprechauns in your life. 1. Skinny Shamrock Shake…
Category: Healthy Active Kids
6 Fun Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions with Kids
Most of us are pretty familiar with making New Year’s resolutions, but it can be a bit tricky when it comes to kids. Young kids may be too little to understand the concept of self-improvement, while older kids can be resistant to change or goal-setting. According to, the ideal age for helping your kids…
5 Creative and Affordable Holiday Gifts for Teachers
As the holidays creep closer and closer, the list of people we’re expected to buy gifts for just gets longer and longer. While there is nothing more gratifying than giving someone a gift they love and deserve (and boy, do teachers deserve something nice!), the stress of picking something out can be overwhelming. So before…
5 Simple and Easy Ways to Teach Kids Gratitude
The holiday season is totally magical, but with all the new toys and gadgets and lavish meals it can be easy for kids to get wrapped up in the wanting part of the season, and miss out on the giving part- and especially the gratitude part. Teaching kids gratitude is about more than just manners,…
9 Tips for a Spooky (and Safe) Halloween
What little kid doesn’t love Halloween? Costumes, candy and extended bedtimes are the epitome of fun, but it’s important to think about Halloween safety, too. Try one (or all) of these spooktastic safety tips to keep the kiddos safe and warm this weekend. Find creative ways to integrate light colors and reflective strips into your…
Splish Splash! 5 DIY Hacks to Turn Your Backyard into a Waterpark
Summer in New England is no joke. We go from sub-zero temps and 4-foot snow banks to 100 degrees and 100% humidity in about 60 seconds. There’s hardly time to get the swimsuits out, much less let our bodies adjust to the heat – so we’ve got to be creative in finding ways to stay…
So Many Resolutions, So Little Time
If you look up “Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions” on Google, you are guaranteed to find “get fit (or lose weight)” and “spend more time with family” very high on the list of things to tackle in the New Year. It’s no secret both of these things will lead to a healthier mind, body and…